Kamilka Kostilniková Dis. art.

20032012 – graduated from art school in Holíč, Department folk singing, piano, game recorder

20102012 – exchange department at the Music School in Holic, of the popular folk singing vocals. During this period, participant district, regional and national competitions:

– Beat Fórum Gbely – 3. town
– Pop SKALICA - 1. town
– Pop Senica – 1. town
– Senecká dúha – 1. town, 2. town
– Malokarpatský Nightingale - 1. town, 2. town
– Song fest Gazarka - 2. town

2018Absolvent,sl – Konzervatória v Bratislave, študijný Board: musical-dramatic : song, tanec a herectvo

2012currently – Member of music group Black & White – spev

Members: Who we are

Pavol Kuchta
Kamilka Kostilniková Dis. art.
Peter Kovárik Dis. art.
Lucia Vratislavská
Radovan Grimm
Michael Srbová
Petronela Lantošová